
No Pre-Packaged Joy Here

Today we went sledding. And let me tell you, there was not one person that had on appropriate clothing for frolic in the snow. We saw Michelin-Mans and walking toothpicks flaunting their stick-thin legs, and (off topic) annoying teenagers in a race against time (but mostly just against their own stupidity [made no sense]). We, in our neon yellow Michael Kors puffers:
KORS Michael Kors Zip Front Puffer Jacket

(in my case a more appropriate red Moncler was involved)

ventured into the park and braved the unbearable cold. Well, not really, but you get my point. Later, when he had our fill snow and hay, we retreated into the warmth of my apartment and had an idea (cue angelic singing). And that idea, my friends, was to make a fashion blog. We went through quirtzillions of name ideas and settled on FASHION DYNAMIC DUO (uo-uo-uo)! So! Here we are to talk about, what else, food! Wait, no, armadillos! Wait, what? Ah-HEM! FASHION! Check back soon for updates and happy holidays!

MK Jacketpic from http://www1.bloomingdales.com/catalog/product/index.ognc?ID=439772&CategoryID=2910&PartnerID=SHP&cm_mmc=Froogle-_-Womens-_-COATS_JACKETS-_-KORS_Michael_Kors_Zip_Front_Puffer_Jacket&utm_source=GoogleProduct&utm_medium=organic

Moncler Jacket pic from http://www.monclercom.com/images/Moncler-claire-DownJacket-Red-1.jpg

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