
Fake Karl

Funniest "bedtime story" ever.
It is very fitting because of how fashion-nutcase-ish I am so you should really check this out.
Actually, no.
That was a lie.
You shouldn't "check it out," you should ravenously devour the whole story, then proceed to read the rest of the blog, then get yourself drunk on Fake Karl stuff.


Me Liiiiike Chloé

Chloé Resort 2010 is quite mesmerizing, or at least I was a little captivated by all the colors and super-fabrics.
My faves were the ones that were interesting, fun, or otherwise unique, while still being tasteful and/or boldly stated.
So now you can try to visualize the looks from all that technical mumbo-jumbo.
Yeah, no.

I put these 2 together because my main focus is the blazer, and the blazer is the same (except for the color but seriously, you know what I mean, OK?!?!) on both looks.
So choose whichever you like to stare at whilst I account on my realizings.
(That was supposed to sound cool but I know it didn't so we can just live with my puns being fails.)
I love the Michael Jackson-ish (RIP) aspect of it with the embellished blazer. But it's really not THAT glitzy that someone just COULDN'T wear it. I LOVE it.

Next is like a sundress thing that's not really like a sundress but i think you get what I am trying to say...:
It looks really comfortable, like the skirt part of it is soft and feels nice, and not like I'M WEARING DESIGNER CLOTHES >itch itch itch<
but more like I GET TO WEAR THIS? >and, exhale<
Same with this look. The blouse and the skirt look comfy but like so high-fashion that it's not even funny.
And the ruffle-y-ness looks very old Marc Jacobs. ME LIIIKE MARC JACOBS.
I like the same-color coat and dress. The cream color is somehow.... relaxing. And it just looks so amazing to wear that I had to post a picture even though I don't have much to say.



I am actually in Sweden right now, but I'm going to talk about my trip like it's over (because this may be my only internet opportunity in a while),
so if I have any more to say I will post it later.
What I've noticed in Sweden that has anything to do with fashion is this: for most people, daring is quite the norm,
(so I guess that means it's not daring anymore, but whatever it is it's different from the US)
and I've only noticed-enough-to-remember-individually the things that are REALLY daring
(which make the looks ACTUALLY daring as opposed to the daring looks that are not really daring [am I confusing you yet? GOOD.])
SUCH AS (I bet all these parenthesis are really boggling your mind: two things to say to that: GET USED TO IT and GET USED TO IT.).....
Two-toned hair that is actually one color on one side of the head and another color on the other side of the head. Also, at least 3 people I've seen so far have legit candy-colored pink hair. And it is EPICCC.
I will post a drawing later of what the two-toned hair looked like, because taking a picture would be weird if I didn't know her and she found out and then started talking in Swedish and I'd be like "ENGLISH?" and then I'd feel dorky AND BECAUSE I didn't have a camera handy.
I'm feeling rambl-y today, so I have two things to say to that: GET USED TO IT and YEAH.
OK SO the next thing is that E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E wears Converse. I took a tally yesterday of all the different styles of Converse:
About 11 High-Tops and 11 Low-Tops
2 red pairs
7 black pairs
1 green pair
9 white pairs
(everyone wears the white ones beat-up and dirty, which, if I may say, is incredibly chic, and some are so beat-up that I had trouble distinguishing the Converse from the Keds from the Jack Purcells from the other kinds, but I did my best.)
3 patterned pairs
(striped, aztec-y, and heart-patterned. It was hard to tell wether they were scribbled-on or came that way, which is also very chic, in my opinion)
So that is my epic (I LOVE the word epic, as you may have noticed) description of my trip to Sweden.
I'm having trouble thinking of a clever way to say goodbye, so I'm just gonna say it and save the the mental stimulation.



Finished the outfit I was creating!!!!
It took me a bajillion years to sew, partly because I pinned it on the dress form in a really strange way, and partly because I kept putting the pins the wrong way (which caused the sewing machine to jam and make some pretty noises. Watch me try [and fail] to recreate them: "ehhhhh", "p-p-p-p", WAHWAHWAH!") and forgot to put the foot (thingy that keeps the fabric down so you can sew it) down, which resulted in the fabric going everywhere and me having to consult my trusty friend Seam-ripper.

The shirt (below) is what the EPIC story above depicts...

...But I made the skirt(s) a while ago. More about the skirt's EPIC story..... here.
The belt was an impulse. I just felt like the outfit needed an unexpected pop of color. Plus it's preeeety. (Vineyard Vines belt/scarf thing.)

Get set to get tired of the salmon-pink-red color of the shirt, because that is basically the only fabric I have left. And also, just to warn you, the skirt is going to be in AH-lot of the outfits, because it more or less goes with a lot of things sometimes maybe.


Designer Dreams

I'm going to start designing again!
What really made me want to start again was the nice new dress form the arrived at my doorstep a few days ago.
It took we about an hour to decipher the instructions, clearly-translated-from-Chinese-and-in-very-broken-English, but I finally figured them out, and the result was well worth the process of putting it together.

The dress form+my great sewing machine=This is gonna be interesting.

I plan to make a pleated skirt, some super-easy dresses, and a one-shouldered blouse.

Wish me luck.